Platforms for disabled

Platforms for the disabled

Platforms for the Disadvantaged allow people with disadvantages a good view of the stage action. Megaforce builds the platforms according to your individual wishes and local conditions, thus enabling everyone to have an unforgettable experience. Platforms for the disadvantaged can be equipped with railings, ramps or canopies.


Platforms 6,2x4,1/8,3/10,4m
Special forms Special shapes possible (rectangle, circle, trapezoid, triangle in various sizes)
Handle heights 0,5-1,5m

Ramps for the disabled

Ramps for the disabled

Ramps for the disabled provide unrestricted access to platforms, buildings, grandstands and other areas. Ramps can be used to get onto a platform or to cross existing stairs or terrain barriers without problems. Megaforce builds ramps according to your individual wishes and adapted to the respective local conditions.


as required


Bühnen- und
Veranstaltungstechnik GmbH

Jöhlinger Straße 118
D - 76356 Weingarten

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone: +49 - 7244 - 72 02 0
Fax: +49 - 7244 - 72 02 22